Sunday, December 20, 2015

Metta-Morphosis: Reflections on Becoming

The path holds me...carries me...transforms me...

So, I had to write about it.

Pick up a copy HERE

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Into The Temple
It is not without fear
That I enter this holy temple
Beckoned through darkness
By promise of the light
Dwelling deep inside
Come out from the murky shadow
Who dares to block the path
Show yourself to me now
Breathing fire
In your most terrible
Dragon disguise
I will bow before you
Until your loudest roar 
Becomes a whisper
I will stand in silent witness
To all that is your armor
Grief, hurt, anger, shame
Until every scale falls away
Revealing truth
Reflecting radiance
Illuminating the path
Into the sacred center


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Losing Ground: Learning How to Surrender

It's hard to believe that a full year has gone by since my mother passed away.  It sounds like such a long time, a year...but it feels like just a moment. I can still feel the warmth of her cheek on mine while I was whispering into her ear as her heart slowed and she took her final breaths.

It's remarkable how an entire life can get divided into "before" and "after" - how suddenly the reference point changes.

The moment I let go of my mother's hand that day, I tumbled over the edge of a cliff that I had only known in my worst nightmares.  Driven by panic and instinct, I flailed about recklessly and in vain searching for a handhold...a place to put my feet...anything to interrupt this terrifying, endless free fall into an encompassing abyss of grief and sorrow.  There is probably not a more effective way to learn to embrace groundlessness, than by the disappearance of the foundation of your entire existence.  

Some weeks after my mother's passing, I went to the park to meditate.  I sat on a bench with my eyes closed, following my breath and noting the sounds around me with the intention of just being in touch with the chilly winter morning that was unfolding.  After a few minutes passed, I was suddenly gripped by such intense panic that I actually gasped out loud.  My urge was to leave but, when I tried to get up, my legs felt paralyzed and I found I couldn't go anywhere.  So, I sat there breathing...hand on heart...reciting the only mantra I can come up with when I find myself so caught..."It's going to be ok.  It's all fine."  As I often do when I am struggling in my meditation, I began to call on my teacher in my mind.  What would she say to me in this moment if she were here?  I imagined her sitting quietly next to me on the bench...her presence supporting me...comforting me...holding space for this overwhelming fear and panic and sudden searing grief...gently reminding me to breathe, and breathe, and breathe.  

"I'm falling."  I whispered

"Yes."  She nodded

"There's nothing I can do about it and I hate it."  I said

"The resistance causes you to suffer, not the falling." She reminded me

"I don't know what to do."  The anxiety was growing again.

"Just let it happen."  she replied, and reassured me that she would stay right there as long as I needed her to.

In the moment I really sensed the very difficult truth that there was nothing to hold onto...and nothing to break my fall...there was such a sense of devastation - and then, such a deep, deep relief.  Understanding the absolute nature of the reality before me gave me what I needed to completely surrender to the the the churning, dark, waves of grief that were cresting and crashing within.

Throughout this year, I have found myself returning to this place of surrender over and over again.  Some days, I surf and swim and some days it's more like treading water while the waves repeatedly crash down on my head, leaving me coughing and sputtering and gasping for air.  Every once in a while, the current will wash me up onto a tiny island beach...deserted and still...where I can look out over the beauty and vastness of the ocean that I belong to and replenish my energy for when the next rip tide comes to pull me out again.  

Time and again, my cushion supports more than just my posture as I navigate these I learn to live in groundless space.  It is the place where I go to remember my mom, to remember my heart, to remember the love of belonging.  It is the place I go to find safety, to touch reality, to understand truth.  It is a flotation device when the waves are high and my energy feels low - keeping me afloat and allowing me to rest until I have the strength to press on again.

I am so grateful for this path and the way these teachings hold me, guide me, and sustain me through whichever of the 10,000 joys or sorrows happens to be visiting in this very moment...

And this one...

And this one...

And this one...

Saturday, October 10, 2015



Namaste, my friend
I see the light inside you
No matter the joy or sorrow
That is in your heart right now
Let us sit together
In noble silence or
 Conscious conversation
Let us grow together
With compassion
And healing grace
Let us wake up together
Each as a mirror to the other
A reminder of the goodness
The truth of who we are


*Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat at

Friday, October 9, 2015

Ending the War

5 years ago, if someone had shown me a photo of what life would look like today, I would have wholeheartedly laughed out loud.  If they had told me that, in the middle of the deepest grief and heartache of my I was being battered and tossed by hurricane force winds and waves, I would wake up somehow in sacred space...I would have called them crazy right to their face.  If they had told me that, in 5 years, the whole landscape of my existence would be changed, I would have nodded politely and walked away shaking my head.

And yet, it all seems so.

Somewhere along the line, the raging, bloody, loud, relentless war with myself became a distant, intermittent whisper.  I don't know when it happened, or just day, it just was.

I noticed that the language in which my head spoke to my heart had changed...less judging, more kind...

I noticed a certain tone of willingness in my stay...

One day, after a long period of pain...searing, ripping, blinding pain...I woke up and realized that something had shifted.  In that pause, for that brief moment, nothing hurt...everything was ok...nothing was wrong with me...and, maybe for the first time...I really touched that.  I believed it.

I trusted in the goodness of this heart beating in my chest.


Sacred space...

(It is almost a given that I will forget again.  So I decided to write it down)


One of my favorite talks about ending the war with ourselves is a recent one from Tara Brach - "Radical Acceptance Revisited" - there is so much good stuff in it that I can't even fit it all onto the page.  Listen to the whole talk HERE.  (You can also visit her website at for a ton of talks and guided meditations - all offered freely)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

October Leaves

October Leaves

The changing October leaves
Shifting, blazing, turning
Like fire against the autumn sky
Bold, brilliant, burning
The most spectacular spinning,
Swirling dance
Like they have something to prove
I wonder if they know
That their most glorious days
Are passing into the
Blustering breeze
Do they fear the letting go
Into their final falling?


Saturday, September 19, 2015


Cease Fire

Not enough
Not worth love
All these words
Versions of violence
Weapons and walls
Destruction and division
Waging war with my own heart
What a gift to know
That the cease-fire begins
With the very realization
That I don’t have to believe
Everything this mind
Thinks up


May every judging thought be tempered by wisdom and the greater truth of the life inside of this heart.  May the cease-fire hold strong, so that, even in the face of failure and adversity, it may respond with compassion and grace, and may this shift serve to awaken genuine understanding and awakening  that ripples out in ever widening circles to all hearts everywhere.

Saturday, September 12, 2015



The day falls away
Like leaves in November
While this mind settles
Into the rhythm of sitting
Breathing in, breathing out
Quiet attention
What is the state of 
My heart right now?
Knotting, clutching
Aching sadness
Bigger than the walls
That surround me
The life outside this room
Calling with the promise
Of numbing distraction
The life right here
Gently whispering


Sunday, September 6, 2015

On Seeing and Being Seen

On Seeing and Being Seen

Every day, someone looks at me
With their eyes
Making wild guess judgements
About the length of my hair,
The color of my skin
The maker of my shoes
Never knowing what is real
Or who I really am

Once, someone looked at me
Through a compassionate heart
And all that was invisible
Was revealed in the light of it
Pain, fear, love, hope
Fresh wounds and old scars
Longing and aspiration
And my own heart smiled
Under that gentle gaze
In the clarity of both seeing
And being truly seen.



May all that I see be seen, not through my easily deceived eyes, but through the soft focus of a compassionate heart.  Informed by this clearer vision, may this heart be a mirror...reflecting love back to another, and another, and another in ever widening circles.  May all beings be seen…known…

Friday, August 21, 2015

Finding Gold Beneath the Clay

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.  In fact, it may
 be necessary to encounter the defeats so you can know who you are, 
what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it."  

~Maya Angelou~

And so it approaches...August 23rd...

In 2003, this date was both an ending and a beginning.  Twelve years later, my introduction into this thing called recovery seems like a lifetime ago. Each year as I mark this date, I find myself reflecting on where I was then, and where I find myself now.  Particularly since stumbling onto this beautiful and sometimes challenging spiritual path, I often ask myself what it all know, life, love, happiness, success, humility, generosity, clarity, staying sober...what does it all mean for me now?   How do my life experiences, past and present, serve the awakening of my heart?  How can they serve the awakening of hearts everywhere?  More and more, these are the important questions.

This year has been, without at doubt, the most difficult year I have faced since a catastrophic addiction to all things soul numbing landed me in the back of a police cruiser looking at the very real possibility of 10 years in prison. I have endured losses this year that I was completely unprepared for on my best day.  Crazy, gut wrenching losses in quick succession.  I lost my beautiful and beloved mother...the one person in the world that I was certain that I would never be able to live without.  In the midst of the shattering grief, I lost the trusted and valued therapist that was holding me together when it felt like I was breaking into a million tiny pieces.  I lost confidence in relating to other people and feeling like I was worthy of love and care.  I lost faith in my ability to perform at work, take care of myself  and, some days, I lost hope that anything could ever be ok again. There have been days that the best I could do was take a shower.  There have been days that I have scoped out bridges to jump from.  I have spent days at a time convinced that I would drown in the waves of grief and the acidic, searing pain washing over me.  My sobriety has been tested more in the past twelve months than it has been in all of the twelve years that I have been in recovery.  On a number of fronts, failure has been a bit of a traveling companion over the past year.  More than once, I have sat down to tea with the hungry ghosts of addiction...and still, I am in recovery...

I am in recovery, because falling short has given me the information that I needed to get back up, put one foot in front of the other, and walk away from what does not serve and run toward what does.

I am in recovery because I have learned not to make myself the villain or the victim in any story.  I have not battered myself with lies about being stupid or bad or crazy, but instead, have been honest and friendly with myself in the exploration of the triggers, and the conditioning, and the circumstances that have led me to stumble along the way.

I am in recovery because all of the work that I have done in the last twelve years has kicked into high gear...driving me to reach out to my community of supportive, loving others who consistently guide me out of the narrow alleys and remotest back roads of my mind and remind me that, no matter how far I've come, the plunge to the bottom is always way shorter than the climb to the top.

I am in recovery because, through it all, I have somehow managed to keep the dimmest spark of light in my sightline as I navigate through the dark, murky mazes of grief and uncertainty.

I am in recovery, because, regardless of any failure, there have been so many victories. Every challenge that I have faced this year has driven me to become more engaged and committed on my own spiritual journey.  I have found comfort and refuge in prayer and teachings and sangha.  My practice has deepened exponentially as I have grown in the ability to pay attention and accompany myself through the reality of what is right here, right now, no matter what.   "Forgiven, forgiven" and "This too" and "It's ok" have become my mantras and my heart's companions as I purposefully practice the most radical self compassion that I can call up on a moment to moment basis.

I am in recovery because the gratitude in my heart keeps it beating even on the worst days.  Gratitude for the love that surrounds me every day - the love of family, friends, teachers, and even strangers on the path.  Gratitude for the people that have given me chances I didn't deserve, offered their presence and held space for me when all I could do was weep...or stare...or ramble on and on making no sense at all, and those that cheered me on when I thought I couldn't take another step.  Gratitude for the Three Jewels and the refuge that I find there.  Gratitude for forgiveness and grace.

I am in recovery because I remember to pause more often than I forget. And every time I do...every time I give myself the chance to reflect upon what is in front of me, I give myself the opportunity to make a different choice...a wiser choice...a kinder choice...a loving choice that will serve my heart and my deepest intention to be clear in mind and my longing to be strong in spirit.

I am in recovery because, somewhere along the line I realized that healing isn't an happens in each moment.  One moment, identification with brokenness may be strong, and in the next moment, it may not.  The moments that I am not identified with it will multiply over time...and maybe fall away's a balance.  The middle way...

I am in recovery because I have finally found my way into trusting the goodness and wisdom of this wrecked, scarred, fractured heart.  Everything I seek is already's already inside of me.  There is gold under the matter how ugly it looks from the outside.  I remember, and forget, and remember again...

I am in recovery because I know that, in the practice of rigorous, uncompromising honesty, both my failures and my successes - and the lessons they bring - may ripple out to others...strengthening their recovery and reaching out into a larger community in a way that brings healing and awakens compassion.

The thing about failure is...well, it gives us motivates us to do brings us face to face and right up close with what doesn't work...and helps us to remember what does...

Really, it's all just feedback...showing us where we need to pay deeper attention.

Twelve years on and still so much to learn...

May these words find their way to the addict who still suffers
And those working this often imperfect program of recovery
And to all of those who love and support us
May our growing love and compassion 
Fill and satisfy the hungry ghosts that haunt us
May we be held in grace and lovingkindness
And may these broken hearts know wholeness and peace...
May every heart everywhere know wholeness and peace...
May all beings everywhere awaken and be free

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Beyond Tiny Boxes

My thoughts on Independence day...we may be an independent nation, but we will never be a free nation until each and every person has equal access, opportunity, and freedom from the oppression of racism, discrimination, hatred, and economic disparity.  I really believe this...we will never be free people until we can learn to see beyond the differences between us and embrace the ways that we are the same.  We are all trying to survive, thrive, and belong.  We all simply want to love and be loved...

Beyond Tiny Boxes

Words and images
Harsh and relentless
The devastation of so much
Person on Person violence
Searching for some explanation
For the state of everything.
In a world of tiny boxes
We are labeled and sorted
By the color of our skin
The shape of our bodies
The sound of our language
The size of our bank accounts
The person we love
Difference becomes deadly
When we cannot reach
Beyond arbitrary walls
That separate
And when we fail
In our understanding
That every human heart
Beats the same


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sunrise Prayer

Sunrise Prayer

Dawn breaks through the mist
Rising above the river
The edges of the sun
Blurry and soft on the horizon
Catching the current
Of the black water slipping by

My heart whispers lingering grief
Into the silence of this arriving day
Tears mingle with the forming dew
On the ground I sit upon
Until there is no difference
Between the two at all

In this empty, aching morning
A grateful prayer with every breath
May darkness serve to awaken
Illuminated presence everywhere
A brighter light that shines in all beings
To guide and carry us home.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Because Some Days You Just Can't Take Another Step...

I often feel like this baby elephant - and I am profoundly grateful for my "herd."  They surround, encourage, and help me up when it feels like I just can't take another step - never judging me for just collapsing in the road, but never letting me stay there either.  Sangha...

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Buddha Inside

The Buddha Inside

Today is one of 
Those days
When just moving
Feels like Sisyphus
Pushing the boulder
Up the mountain
And watching it 
Roll down again
Dropping to this cushion
Feels welcoming
And sacred
Nothing to do or be
Breathing in
Touching the grieving
The vast emptiness
The clutching fear
Breathing out
With understanding
Others feel this too
Over and over again
Coming back
Held close
By the buddha inside
Of this breaking
Awakening heart.


Thursday, May 28, 2015


It is not impermanence that makes us suffer.  What makes us 
suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not. 

~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Anicca - the absence of continuity, the absence of of the three marks of existence.

Pema Chodron says "Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know."  I am in such a season of sorrow and devastation just now.  What is it that I need to know?  What if I never learn what I need to know?  How may this unrelenting grief serve to awaken this already ravaged heart?

Today, it is easy
To sit in this chair
And anchor myself
Into this moment
My only task to notice
The sounds of the space
Arriving and departing
With an open heart, welcoming
With an open heart, letting go
If only it were so simple
After the bell
When the ground
Beneath me crumbles
When you are here
When you are not
Touching impermanence
With an open heart
With an open heart
...letting go.

c.sharshel 5/28/2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

Dharma is Everywhere

Truth, teachings, the nature of reality.  Every moment is my teacher.  Today I saw a coffee cup with a fundamental truth of how we forget and then need to come back home.  Where I least expected it, the lesson was waiting.

Dharma is everywhere.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear...